Rush Limbaugh: If report about his book is true, John Bolton is showing disloyalty to Trump Video & Audio 01/27/20 3:07 PM EST
Conservative media vilify Adam Schiff as Trump's impeachment trial begins Article 01/24/20 11:19 AM EST
Trump sends record number of Fox live tweets in response to Senate impeachment trial Article 01/24/20 10:13 AM EST
Three ways conservative media are spinning facts about Trump's Senate trial Article 01/22/20 3:42 PM EST
At Davos, Trump complains that Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh haven't won any Pulitzer Prizes Video & Audio 01/22/20 8:00 AM EST
Limbaugh guest host Mark Steyn: “Do we know” Elizabeth Warren is a woman? Video & Audio 01/13/20 3:50 PM EST
Rush Limbaugh says Democratic leaders would’ve “tried to sabotage the mission” against Soleimani Video & Audio 01/10/20 1:37 PM EST
Rush Limbaugh: “Democrats are running around talking about spending all this money on health care, treating everybody as victims” Video & Audio 01/09/20 4:26 PM EST
A War on Christmas Story: How Fox News built the dumbest part of America's culture war Article 12/23/19 9:24 AM EST
President Trump’s Fox obsession reshaped the political universe in 2019 Research/Study 12/19/19 9:03 AM EST
After mentioning “insurance policy” conspiracy theory, Trump touts support of Fox News hosts Video & Audio 12/18/19 9:36 PM EST
Rush Limbaugh claims Democrats “go out and they find disabled people” like Greta Thunberg and Michael J. Fox Video & Audio 12/13/19 3:12 PM EST
Rush Limbaugh brags that Steve Doocy “didn't even check with the producers” before approving Limbaugh's Fox & Friends appearance Video & Audio 12/06/19 3:12 PM EST
Reports indicate a new inspector general report will debunk pro-Trump lies. Rush Limbaugh now calls the author a “a deep stater” Video & Audio 12/03/19 1:58 PM EST