ABC provided no Clinton response to Falwell's “Lucifer” comparison and no rebuttal to Perkins's smear of Dems Article 09/25/06 2:26 PM EDT
Wash. Post reported Perkins's claim that “liberal policymakers find themselves” in a “pickle” when reconciling their “policy positions” and “faith” -- didn't note similar GOP difficulties Article 09/20/06 5:10 PM EDT
Boyles continued to spread falsehoods about Tancredo controversy over League of the South Article 09/19/06 8:21 PM EDT
Rosen claimed Southern Poverty Law Center “has not zeroed in on any Muslim hate groups” Article 09/14/06 8:08 PM EDT
Boyles called League of the South “racist” -- three months after praising guest who reportedly was a “founding member” Article 09/13/06 7:43 PM EDT
Following Post's lead, Boyles falsely claimed Tancredo “had no connection” to Americans Have Had Enough Coalition Article 09/13/06 6:33 PM EDT
NBC's Williams allowed Bush to make false and misleading assertions about Katrina recovery, pre-war WMD claims, and Iraqi links to 9-11 Article 08/31/06 7:41 PM EDT
Olbermann handed Limbaugh “Worst Person” award for claiming the “obesity crisis could be the fault of government, liberal government ... [and] [f]ood stamps” Video & Audio 08/31/06 3:07 PM EDT
Limbaugh blamed the left for obesity crisis, lamented that in America, we "[d]idn't teach them how to ... slaughter a cow to get the butter; we gave them the butter" Article 08/29/06 7:52 PM EDT
NBC still hosting Buchanan on immigration; Malkin told O'Reilly that reconquista is “mainstream” among immigrants Article 08/24/06 7:01 PM EDT
In column opposing minimum-wage hike, Carroll identified former Bush economics chief only as Harvard “economics professor” Article 08/17/06 12:26 PM EDT
ABC, Wash. Post advanced misleading arguments against minimum-wage boost, obscured Democratic support for wage increase Article 08/03/06 7:30 PM EDT
Agreeing with Lamm, Rosen said Hispanic and African-American “subculture[s]” value education “less than the Japanese and Jewish subculture” Article 07/31/06 9:08 PM EDT