Clinton attack-book publisher used fabricated quotes to defend poorly sourced work Article 04/24/06 6:44 PM EDT
Robertson: The West is ignoring threats from “Islam in general,” just as it ignored “what Adolf Hitler said in Mein Kampf” Video & Audio 04/24/06 3:44 PM EDT
Echoing Hume, Wash. Times cited skeptic's misleading statistic to suggest global warming “stopped in 1998” Article 04/20/06 12:26 PM EDT
Angle, Krauthammer misrepresented Senate intel report to discredit Wilson, defend Libby Article 04/12/06 5:38 PM EDT
Savage warned U.S. politicians not to “take to the streets” to support illegal immigrant “vermin” Video & Audio 04/11/06 2:44 PM EDT
Media figures misrepresented immigration polling to falsely claim that public opposes temporary worker program, path to citizenship Article 04/05/06 9:27 AM EDT
NY Times article on GOP immigration divide ignored Democratic perspective Article 04/03/06 1:44 PM EDT
Du Pont set up, knocked down, global warming straw man: "[I]t is not clear that human activity is wholly responsible" Article 03/28/06 2:33 PM EST
CNN's Roberts asked Duckworth if her primary victory signaled failed strategy Video & Audio 03/24/06 5:40 PM EST
Hewitt on the “great Bush comeback”: Despite tanking poll numbers, Bush always “ends up with all the cards and all the money” Video & Audio 03/20/06 2:44 PM EST
Gibson, Morris falsely claimed that Americans oppose Feingold's censure resolution, support Bush's wiretapping program Article 03/17/06 4:42 PM EST
Matthews claimed Hillary Clinton's voter data operation “just like” NSA's warrantless domestic spying Article 03/10/06 5:44 PM EST
Spinonymous sources: Wash. Post grants anonymity to White House source relieved that Republicans support Bush Article 03/10/06 11:44 AM EST
Hardball for the left, softball for the right: Conservatives dominate on Hardball Research/Study 03/08/06 12:51 PM EST
AP misrepresented Rep. Hunter's proposal, obscured objections to ports deal, and failed to note that DPW is state-owned Article 03/07/06 1:39 PM EST
NBC, Fox uncritically reported new White House explanation for Bush levee claim, ignore evidence indicating awareness of breach threat Article 03/03/06 1:44 PM EST