Wash. Post editorial touted Dem-supported initiatives while bashing Democrats Article 04/13/06 2:08 PM EDT
Malkin: "[T]he vast majority of mainstream Hispanic politicians" believe that “the American Southwest belongs to Mexico” Article 03/31/06 7:05 PM EST
Matthews: “We don't produce bad [economic] news on this show. ... We only put out good news here on the economy” Article 03/22/06 12:09 PM EST
AFA's Wildmon proposed a hypothetical tour of gay bathhouses, repeated misinformation on average gay incomes Article 03/16/06 4:03 PM EST
Blitzer: Bush “usually gets his way” despite opposition; history shows otherwise Article 02/24/06 11:05 AM EST
McWhorter falsely claimed African-American child poverty rates decreased under GOP majority Article 02/22/06 6:17 PM EST
Gibson accused Gumbel of racism; Hannity misrepresented Gumbel Olympics remarks Article 02/22/06 5:40 PM EST
American Family Association opened its airwaves to advocate for executing gays, adulterers, abortion doctors Article 02/14/06 11:08 AM EST
Media accused liberals of politicizing King funeral, ignored conservatives' use of Reagan funeral Article 02/09/06 4:01 PM EST
NBC offered far-right columnist Steve Sailer a platform to attack Hollywood Article 01/23/06 5:02 PM EST
Media figures claimed Clinton played “race card” but ignored her 2004 comments and similar “plantation” comments by Republicans Article 01/19/06 4:08 PM EST
O'Reilly falsely claimed Bush kept full congressional intel committees informed of wiretapping program Article 01/03/06 4:08 PM EST
Media outlets largely ignored liberal Christian protest of budget and tax cuts Article 12/19/05 12:54 PM EST
Ignoring his recent votes, NY Times “believe[s]” Grassley wants “adequate heating subsidies for the poor” Article 11/14/05 4:41 PM EST
Conservative activist Barton: Are American children poor “because they only have two TVs instead of three?” Video & Audio 11/14/05 4:41 PM EST
NY Times reported that Miers withdrew “because of criticism of her credentials, not her views” -- but her views generated strong conservative opposition Article 11/04/05 4:59 PM EST
Malveaux omitted conservative opposition to Miers's views on abortion, other issues Article 11/02/05 11:50 AM EST