Gelernter misquoted Carter secretary of state in suggesting Democrats are bad for the U.S. military Article 10/31/05 12:12 PM EST
O'Reilly baselessly claimed that Dallas Morning News columnist favors open borders Article 10/25/05 2:06 PM EDT
Limbaugh baselessly claimed people targeted by proposed food stamp cuts “aren't using them anyway” Article 10/24/05 4:47 PM EDT
Wash. Times blamed Va. budget deficit on “social welfare,” but state's programs are among country's least-funded Article 10/18/05 11:35 AM EDT
Boortz: Faced with an impending national disaster, “we should save the rich people first” Video & Audio 10/14/05 6:22 PM EDT
Coulter falsely accused Freakonomics co-author of “defending” Roe v. Wade, claimed that Lott debunked his original study on abortion and crime Article 10/06/05 7:42 PM EDT
Defending Bennett's comments, Rev. Peterson cited alleged violence at Superdome to claim that most blacks “lack moral character” Article 10/03/05 4:16 PM EDT
Media Matters exposes Bennett: "[Y]ou could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down" Video & Audio 09/28/05 3:18 PM EDT
Tierney seemingly absolved from NY Times public editor's corrections crusade Article 09/27/05 1:27 PM EDT
Morris spouted misleading poverty, deficit claims in attempt to rebut Clinton Article 09/23/05 4:49 PM EDT
Wash. Post issued correction to editorial that hid Bush record on poverty Article 09/22/05 12:16 PM EDT
O'Reilly used misleading statistics, fiscal falsehoods to defend Bush economic record Article 09/21/05 7:49 PM EDT
Bozell asserted Clinton claim on poverty was “comical” -- but Clinton in fact understated the true figures Article 09/21/05 4:24 PM EDT
Fox's Wallace claimed that no one would argue that Bush's Gulf reconstruction proposals “aren't good ideas”; news reports disagree Article 09/19/05 7:03 PM EDT
Wash. Post editorial's “broad look” at U.S. poverty falsely claimed Bush poverty increases started under Clinton Article 09/19/05 3:47 PM EDT