Six weeks of Fox's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez obsession: “Totalitarian,” “ignorant,” “scary,” and waging a “war on cows” Article 04/12/19 10:00 AM EDT
Thanks to anti-abortion media, the latest congressional “tech censorship” hearing was particularly absurd Article 04/11/19 10:45 AM EDT
Fox's Brian Kilmeade fearmongers that refugees at the southern border are bringing disease into America Video & Audio 04/11/19 9:50 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson says calling out white nationalism is a racist attack on white people and “exactly how you destroy a country” Video & Audio 04/10/19 9:04 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson says fighting voter suppression is “a terror tactic” used “to whip up racial hysteria” Video & Audio 04/09/19 9:28 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “We're being invaded” at the southern border - “this is how countries collapse” Video & Audio 04/09/19 8:33 PM EDT
Fox News discussed the Green New Deal more often than CNN and MSNBC combined Research/Study 04/09/19 12:19 PM EDT
Kris Kobach uses Fox News interview to make his case to be the next DHS secretary Video & Audio 04/08/19 8:44 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson says acknowledging white privilege is “what Maoist tribunals looked like” Video & Audio 04/05/19 8:46 PM EDT
Fox contributor: Julian Castro's immigration plan is “national suicide” Video & Audio 04/05/19 10:36 AM EDT
Fox's Diamond and Silk: “With the Earth rotating at 1,000 miles per hour, OK, 365 days of the year, we subject to feel climate changing a little bit” Video & Audio 04/05/19 8:15 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson warns immigration will “change this country completely and forever” Video & Audio 04/04/19 9:19 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “How did we wind up with a country in which feminists do science?” Video & Audio 04/04/19 9:00 PM EDT
Former Border Patrol Chief tells Tucker Carlson that Border Patrol “should be applauded” for putting children in cages Video & Audio 04/04/19 8:53 PM EDT
How Fox has been using racist, nativist, and anti-immigrant rhetoric to talk about border issues Article 04/04/19 12:23 PM EDT