O'Reilly defended false Clinton-Bush poverty comparison as “the only accurate measuring stick” Article 09/16/05 11:58 AM EDT
O'Reilly: “Many, many, many” hurricane victims who failed to evacuate New Orleans are “drug-addicted ... thugs” Video & Audio 09/15/05 12:46 PM EDT
O'Reilly cherry-picked census numbers to falsely suggest Bush is better on poverty than Clinton Article 09/14/05 3:28 PM EDT
CNN contributor Watkins falsely claimed poverty reduction under Bush rather than Clinton Article 09/13/05 1:18 PM EDT
Limbaugh linked New Orleans humanitarian disaster to “the welfare and entitlement thinking of government” Video & Audio 09/06/05 4:46 PM EDT
Radio Factor guest host Gibson wrong on Latino support for California's Prop. 187 Article 08/25/05 6:09 PM EDT
O'Reilly: Homeless heat wave victims could have found “some place to cool off” but were “mentally incapable of taking care of themselves” Video & Audio 07/29/05 3:55 PM EDT
Budget data be damned! Mainstream media parrot Bush's false claim that U.S. aid to Africa has “tripled” since 2000 Article 07/08/05 10:44 AM EDT
Sowell defends Wal-Mart, ignores workers' dependence on Medicaid, food stamps Article 05/12/05 7:36 PM EDT
O'Reilly promotes petition by NumbersUSA, a group linked to controversial anti-immigration activist John Tanton Article 05/12/05 3:32 PM EDT