Tucker Carlson: “Mexico is a hostile power that is seeking to undermine our country and sovereignty” Video & Audio 04/03/19 9:08 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson says “a vested interest in changing the population” is driving immigration policy Video & Audio 04/02/19 8:48 PM EDT
Son of Stormfront founder: My family watches Tucker Carlson “because they feel that he is making the white nationalist talking points better than they have” Video & Audio 04/01/19 11:42 AM EDT
Fox News figures repeatedly suggested the Obamas were behind dropped Smollett charges Article 03/29/19 9:57 AM EDT
Facebook says it is banning white nationalism. Here are some places it can start. Article 03/28/19 5:26 PM EDT
The NRA and its media outlet have long been a breeding ground for odious conspiracy theories Article 03/28/19 3:46 PM EDT
Fox News contributor calls for Trump to strip his congressional critics of security clearances Video & Audio 03/28/19 12:12 PM EDT
How an Austrian Identitarian leader with a financial link to the New Zealand shooter profits from YouTube Article 03/28/19 11:09 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson says climate change may make natural disasters less catastrophic Video & Audio 03/27/19 9:39 PM EDT
Sean Hannity and Fox News take anti-press victory lap over Barr memo that demolishes their Seth Rich conspiracy theories Article 03/27/19 12:52 PM EDT
Fox Business' Stuart Varney on dropped Smollett charges: “The judicial system has been raped” Video & Audio 03/27/19 12:45 PM EDT
New York Times' Bret Stephens compares policy combating climate change to a family bankrupting themselves taking out fire insurance they won't use Video & Audio 03/26/19 9:25 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “It looks to us” that Smollett's charges were dropped because he knows the Obamas and Kamala Harris Video & Audio 03/26/19 9:03 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson on Russia's 2016 election interference: “I don't think it really hurt the country, actually. I really don't. I think it's a total lie.” Video & Audio 03/26/19 9:38 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “I don't care how the U.S. government treats foreign citizens. I don't care on the border, and I don't care if they are Russian agents” Video & Audio 03/22/19 9:02 PM EDT