Christian Science Monitor failed to note Minuteman Project volunteer's white supremacist ties Article 05/04/05 3:24 PM EDT
Media continued to distort impact of Social Security means testing on middle class, working poor Article 05/02/05 6:03 PM EDT
Day after press conference, largest papers masked impact of Bush's proposed Social Security cuts Article 04/29/05 6:57 PM EDT
Media failed to identify conservative think tank that laundered DeLay travel money Article 03/18/05 1:27 PM EST
O'Reilly used phony stats to claim “staggering increase” in spending on food stamps, housing assistance Article 02/18/05 10:45 AM EST
James Roosevelt Jr: Hume's “outrageous distortion” of FDR “calls for a retraction, an apology, maybe even a resignation” Article 02/16/05 12:27 PM EST
Wash. Post article 'shortchanged' the truth about African Americans and Social Security Article 02/14/05 11:41 AM EST
Bill Bennett on Social Security privatization: "[I]f the Democrats were doing it, it would be called positive affirmative action" Article 02/10/05 2:35 PM EST
New York Times wrongly suggested Clinton recently “shift[ed] themes” to discuss faith Article 02/01/05 7:08 PM EST
Russert let Rep. Thomas get away with misleading claims on Social Security, excluded Democratic perspective Article 01/24/05 5:27 PM EST
O'Reilly: “Most people who don't make any money are not educated because they didn't wanna get educated” Article 01/14/05 11:59 AM EST
Conservatives falsely attacked Clinton's remarks on tsunami relief effort Article 01/04/05 6:34 PM EST