Sinclair’s Boris Epshteyn laughably claims that Donald Trump Jr. “is the farthest thing from a racist or anti-Semite” Article 05/30/18 1:45 PM EDT
CNN anchor spends 11 minutes debunking Matt Schlapp's conspiracy theories about the FBI informant and the Trump campaign Video & Audio 05/30/18 10:00 AM EDT
Newt Gingrich says Mueller investigation is really five scandals, none involving President Trump Video & Audio 05/30/18 8:50 AM EDT
Pro-Trump media have a meltdown after Roseanne’s racist tweet prompts ABC to cancel her show Article 05/29/18 4:31 PM EDT
Fox News politics editor fears if Trump comments on Roseanne he'll be associating himself with conspiracy theories Article 05/29/18 4:29 PM EDT
Report: Breitbart recruited an activist to encourage black voters to vote Trump or stay home Article 05/29/18 11:24 AM EDT
Fox News isn't covering Ivanka Trump's new China trademarks potentially worth millions Article 05/29/18 9:51 AM EDT
Fox & Friends attacks comedian Michelle Wolf in three separate segments Video & Audio 05/29/18 9:47 AM EDT
Anthony Scaramucci: “It's almost like” Democrats “support MS-13, Hamas, and now ... Chairman Kim” Video & Audio 05/25/18 8:42 AM EDT
Pro-Trump pundit Steve Cortes says he went “to CNN partly at the suggestion of the White House itself and the president himself" Article 05/24/18 1:50 PM EDT
On Fox, Wash. Times' Charlie Hurt claims letter canceling the meeting with Kim Jong Un will “strengthen Trump's hand” Video & Audio 05/24/18 12:37 PM EDT
Local outlets spotlight impact of Trump’s proposed funding cut for clinics that perform or refer for abortions Article 05/23/18 4:32 PM EDT
Alex Jones: If Democrats lose the midterms, people like James Clapper should consider shooting themselves in the head Video & Audio 05/23/18 2:47 PM EDT
Fox & Friends is scandalizing the counterintelligence investigations of people Trump chose to hire Article 05/23/18 12:36 PM EDT
Introducing the Sean Hannity Extended Universe, Fox’s anti-Mueller alternative reality Article 05/23/18 10:19 AM EDT
Study: Sean Hannity spent the last year laying the groundwork for an authoritarian response to the Russia probe Research/Study 05/23/18 8:31 AM EDT