Tucker Carlson compares judge’s gag order in Roger Stone case to The Inquisition and Nazi Germany Video & Audio 03/06/19 9:00 PM EST
Fox's Brit Hume calls Rep. Ocasio-Cortez “adorable in sort of the way that a 5-year-old child can be adorable” Video & Audio 03/05/19 9:01 PM EST
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on Fox News: “The reason your network has me on a lot is because I'm one of the leading voices defending the president” Video & Audio 03/01/19 7:42 PM EST
Fox News won’t run an anti-Nazi ad, but will let Laura Ingraham compare Planned Parenthood to Hitler Article 03/01/19 12:48 PM EST
Tucker Carlson: Outrage over Trump's response to Charlottesville Nazi rally was “fraudulent, entirely manufactured by the left and its servants in the media” Video & Audio 02/28/19 8:29 PM EST
Tucker Carlson’s war on the ruling class is a master class of misdirection Article 02/28/19 4:05 PM EST
Tucker Carlson defends Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, and the white nationalist website VDare Video & Audio 02/26/19 8:41 PM EST
Fox News misrepresents Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s comments about climate change Article 02/26/19 4:13 PM EST
White supremacist behind Charlottesville Unite the Right rally blames fellow racists for failure of his extremist crusade Article 02/26/19 2:45 PM EST
Right-wing media and think tanks are aligning with fake feminists who dehumanize trans people Article 02/26/19 1:47 PM EST
Fox host reacts to an article questioning whether Superman has to be white: “We make everything about race” Video & Audio 02/26/19 10:03 AM EST
Tucker Carlson guest: “20 years ago you had to give Harvey Weinstein a back rub when he asked you up to his hotel room, now you just have to genuflect to transgender rights” Video & Audio 02/25/19 9:38 PM EST
Tucker Carlson: “There aren't that many hate crimes occurring in the country ... so they have to make them up” Video & Audio 02/22/19 8:43 PM EST
Right-wing media have been issuing dire warnings about an impending civil war for years Article 02/22/19 3:31 PM EST
Fox & Friends ignored report that Republican fraud has spurred a new election in North Carolina Article 02/22/19 10:01 AM EST
Tucker Carlson guest tells African-Americans “you need to move on” from slavery Video & Audio 02/21/19 9:04 PM EST