Tucker Carlson guest calls media coverage of Northam “kind of a minstrel show” Video & Audio 02/04/19 8:53 PM EST
When pressed about the racism of Rep. Steve King, Tucker Carlson says King “didn't call for an ethnostate” Video & Audio 02/01/19 9:17 PM EST
Prime-time Fox shows have mentioned Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over 4 times more than Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Research/Study 02/01/19 2:28 PM EST
Right-wing media are flat-out lying about later abortions being “infanticide” Article 01/31/19 5:52 PM EST
How a myth about journalists telling miners to “learn to code” helped people justify harassment Article 01/31/19 10:57 AM EST
Attacking Sen. Kamala Harris, Fox host Tomi Lahren claims Democratic women are “dating their way to the top” Video & Audio 01/30/19 7:54 PM EST
Fox’s prime-time lineup and flagship morning show ignore report that Trump met with Putin with no note taker or translator present Article 01/30/19 10:42 AM EST
Sean Hannity: Mueller probe is “a clear and present danger to what is our great democratic republic” Video & Audio 01/29/19 11:33 AM EST
Tucker Carlson and guest warn that migrant caravans full of diseases like scabies are headed to the border Video & Audio 01/29/19 10:20 AM EST
Tucker Carlson mocks an MSNBC guest for being rich and spending his days in TV studios with makeup on Video & Audio 01/23/19 9:21 PM EST
Roger Stone thanks Tucker Carlson for using his Fox News show to defend Infowars Video & Audio 01/23/19 9:13 PM EST
The social science explaining why Fox News wants you to believe masculinity is under threat Article 01/23/19 12:27 PM EST
Fox guest: “Bad things” happened with Columbus' arrival in the Americas, but he also “brought hope to millions of people” Video & Audio 01/23/19 10:15 AM EST
The Green New Deal drives conservatives nuts, so right-wing media is going on the attack Article 01/22/19 1:00 PM EST
Fox News spent months on end declaring there was “no collusion” between Trump's campaign and Russia Article 01/17/19 6:35 PM EST
Laura Ingraham says that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez used “minority privilege” to criticize Fox News hosts Video & Audio 01/17/19 6:17 PM EST
Steve King has been racist for years, and right-wing media have defended him every step of the way Article 01/17/19 11:18 AM EST