CNN's Angela Rye slams Trump's use of the term “nationalist”: “That is not a dog whistle, it's a foghorn to his base” Video & Audio 10/23/18 2:07 PM EDT
Fox host pushes admittedly unverified claim that “over a hundred ISIS fighters” have been arrested in Guatemala trying to cross into US Video & Audio 10/22/18 9:01 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson calls worldwide outrage over Jamal Khashoggi's murder “a stunt ... hyped and manufactured” Video & Audio 10/19/18 8:46 PM EDT
Fox News' ad chief admits that advertisers are leaving. Here's what's going on. Article 10/17/18 10:41 AM EDT
NBC's Today provides white supremacist group Identity Evropa with a platform for free publicity Video & Audio 10/17/18 9:43 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson claims Democrats get into office only because of “single women who are dependent upon the government” Video & Audio 10/16/18 1:41 PM EDT
The View panel skewers Donald Trump's tweet attacking Stormy Daniels as “horseface” Video & Audio 10/16/18 12:18 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson laughs at the mention of babies in cages as part of Trump's family separation policy on the Mexican border Video & Audio 10/15/18 9:46 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson says Elizabeth Warren mocked Native Americans, then makes a Trail of Tears joke, calls her Lie-awatha, Fake-ajawea, and Fraud-azuma Video & Audio 10/15/18 8:59 PM EDT
Fox guest: Affirmative action causes “racial division on campuses because” many Black and Latinx students “struggle academically” Video & Audio 10/15/18 10:53 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson: Planned Parenthood conducts “human sacrifice rituals” Video & Audio 10/12/18 9:15 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: Planned Parenthood is “the leading cause of death of Americans” Video & Audio 10/11/18 9:22 PM EDT
Lou Dobbs on Larry Kudlow: “Bill Shine, if you're listening, tackle the son of a gun before he does any more damage” Video & Audio 10/11/18 8:34 PM EDT
Angelo Carusone discusses Bill Shine's enabling of sexual misconduct and Fox News' extremism on SiriusXM's Tell Me Everything Video & Audio 10/11/18 9:10 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson: California is descending into “the kind of place that Donald Trump wouldn't want immigration from” Video & Audio 10/10/18 8:52 PM EDT
When confronted with Trump's defense of Charlottesville Nazis, Laura Ingraham claims it's “not what he said” Video & Audio 10/09/18 10:47 PM EDT