Laura Ingraham: Rob Porter's alleged wife-beating “didn't, however, affect his work, which by all accounts was top-notch” Video & Audio 02/12/18 10:52 PM EST
Tucker Carlson joins smear campaign attacking Obama portrait artist Video & Audio 02/12/18 9:40 PM EST
Sinclair solicits contributions for an election fight while running a nationwide segment supporting Trump's military parade Article 02/12/18 4:15 PM EST
Anti-abortion group Operation Rescue has become fully “red-pilled” by an 8chan conspiracy theory Article 02/12/18 4:00 PM EST
NBC's Jo Ling Kent explains how #ReleaseTheMemo was part of a Russian social media effort “to manipulate the conversation in American politics” Video & Audio 02/12/18 2:49 PM EST
Sen. Ron Johnson and Rep. Devin Nunes are feeding the Fox News conspiracy pipeline Article 02/12/18 2:42 PM EST
MSNBC's Ruhle and Velshi highlight Trump's history of defending men accused of abusing and harassing women Video & Audio 02/12/18 1:11 PM EST
CNN's Frank Sesno: Fox covering Obama pseudo-scandals instead of Rob Porter may have been to “muddy the waters” Video & Audio 02/11/18 1:36 PM EST
ABC News' Alex Castellanos on Rob Porter: “Even the mullahs in Iran give you a hearing before they stone you” Video & Audio 02/11/18 10:54 AM EST
Fox's Chris Wallace suggests Democrats “set the president up” by putting sensitive material in Democratic memo Video & Audio 02/11/18 10:31 AM EST
Fox News downplays report that White House knew about domestic abuse allegations against top Trump aide Rob Porter Article 02/09/18 3:38 PM EST
Fox's Ari Fleischer excuses the Trump administration's inaction on Rob Porter because it “could have been a he said, she said” Video & Audio 02/09/18 2:59 PM EST
David Gregory praises Sen. Orrin Hatch's response to allegations against Rob Porter. Hatch called the women who spoke up “morally bankrupt.” Video & Audio 02/09/18 2:31 PM EST
Fox News turns to Corey Lewandowski, who was charged with battery of a female reporter, for his take on Rob Porter Video & Audio 02/09/18 10:23 AM EST
Jake Tapper: White House revealed its ignorance about what domestic abuse looks like after making excuses for Rob Porter Video & Audio 02/08/18 6:00 PM EST
Conservative CNN commentator: To defend Trump and his team is to defend the abuse of women Video & Audio 02/08/18 5:25 PM EST