The Fox News president: Trump confirms he's just repeating what he hears on TV Article 08/23/18 11:28 AM EDT
Alex Jones warns of whites being “wiped out” in Africa, says that Black South Africans think “the more barbarous the better” Video & Audio 08/22/18 11:44 PM EDT
Fox host and guest use alleged murder of a college student by an immigrant to push for a border wall Video & Audio 08/22/18 10:19 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson guest Alan Dershowitz compares Micheal Cohen's campaign finance violation to jaywalking Video & Audio 08/21/18 9:12 PM EDT
On Fox & Friends Erik Prince calls for privatizing the US war in Afghanistan and says it could be won in under two years Video & Audio 08/21/18 9:05 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson guest Mark Steyn criticizes immigrants for getting pregnant too often and changing the country's demographics Video & Audio 08/20/18 8:57 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson calls those not defending Alex Jones and Infowars “foolish” and “cowardly” Video & Audio 08/17/18 8:26 PM EDT
Fox's Geraldo Rivera justifies revoking former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance Video & Audio 08/17/18 9:23 AM EDT
Fox & Friends applauds Trump's revocation of former CIA Dir. Brennan's security clearance: “Oh, it's payback” Video & Audio 08/16/18 8:31 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson and guest claim Christine Hallquist won gubernatorial primary because of “transgender privilege” Video & Audio 08/15/18 9:43 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “I actually hate litter which is why I'm so against illegal immigration” Video & Audio 08/15/18 9:25 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson takes credit for Trump revoking John Brennan's security clearance Video & Audio 08/15/18 8:34 PM EDT
Fox's David Bossie: Allegation that Trump used the N-word is an “outrageous accusation,” “unfair to this president” Video & Audio 08/15/18 2:30 PM EDT
Fox & Friends host refers to Christine Hallquist, history-making gubernatorial candidate, as “that transgender” Video & Audio 08/15/18 11:05 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson attacks refugees for using food assistance, claims birthright citizenship means no one should have to follow laws Video & Audio 08/14/18 9:46 PM EDT
On The Bill Press Show, Media Matters' Cristina López explains why it's not censorship for companies to ban Alex Jones' extremism Video & Audio 08/14/18 4:38 PM EDT