Fox News' primetime lineup completely ignores bombshell NY Times report on Trump/Russia scandal Article 01/04/18 11:01 PM EST
Angelo Carusone: Advertisers see “aligning their brand with Hannity as actually the functional equivalent of giving a political donation to Trump” Article 01/04/18 10:38 PM EST
Roger Stone tells Fox News that Steve Bannon's reported comments criticizing Trump represent a “stunning act of betrayal” Video & Audio 01/04/18 8:52 PM EST
Jake Tapper: “It's remarkable” Trump is trying to block the publication of a book because it “hurt his feelings” Video & Audio 01/04/18 4:56 PM EST
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Breitbart should consider removing Steve Bannon Video & Audio 01/04/18 2:56 PM EST
Alex Jones: “Bannon stabbed the president and America in the back” Video & Audio 01/04/18 1:39 PM EST
Roy Moore may have lost, but Breitbart’s Steve Bannon has a field of awful candidates ready for 2018 Article 01/04/18 12:31 PM EST
Alex Jones is hawking pro-Trump children’s book that indoctrinates them to white nationalism Article 01/04/18 12:10 PM EST
John Bolton calls for US intervention in Iran: “We need to bring that regime down” Video & Audio 01/04/18 10:05 AM EST
Following a bombshell report, Fox News is desperately clinging to their alternate reality about the Russia investigation Article 01/03/18 5:56 PM EST