Former Trump DHS official: “At first jokingly” we called Fox host Lou Dobbs Trump’s “shadow chief of staff” Video & Audio 08/21/20 3:41 PM EDT
President Donald Trump praises QAnon conspiracy theorists for supporting him Video & Audio 08/19/20 6:41 PM EDT
Right-leaning Facebook pages have been laying the groundwork to attack Kamala Harris online Article 08/11/20 7:02 PM EDT
Fox contributor falsely claims there is “some debate … even within the scientific community, about whether masks are good or not” Video & Audio 08/07/20 1:41 PM EDT
Television news ignores U.S. aid cuts to Yemen and its impact on efforts to contain coronavirus Article 08/07/20 9:00 AM EDT
At least six Sinclair national segments didn't mention Trump's sabotage of the Postal Service when covering his false attacks on mail-in voting Article 08/06/20 11:20 AM EDT
As Twitter cracks down on QAnon, Instagram accounts continue to promote the conspiracy theory Article 07/30/20 12:10 PM EDT
The California Republican Party is endorsing at least four QAnon-supporting congressional candidates Article 07/29/20 3:41 PM EDT
CNN's Brian Stelter calls out Sinclair and Fox News for mainstreaming conspiracy theories Video & Audio 07/28/20 11:41 AM EDT
Yes, Trump had protesters tear gassed — as much as Fox News and other right-wing media denied it Article 07/27/20 6:41 PM EDT
Journalists have been obsessing over Trump supposedly changing his “tone” for five years Article 07/27/20 10:41 AM EDT
Mainstream media need to stop using euphemisms to describe Trump’s racism Article 07/23/20 1:41 PM EDT
Twitter just cracked down on QAnon for causing harm. Facebook has been making money off the conspiracy theory in ads. Article 07/22/20 5:14 PM EDT
The right is dominating Facebook engagement on content about trans issues Research/Study 07/20/20 1:58 PM EDT
Sinclair reporter uncritically pushed GOP talking point against enhanced unemployment benefits Article 07/14/20 4:51 PM EDT
Following Media Matters’ reporting, CAGOP removes endorsement of QAnon candidate who used n-word in racist rant Article 07/02/20 12:41 PM EDT
Fox host Brian Kilmeade warns against showing “kindness” to protesters and defends qualified immunity Article 06/11/20 12:47 PM EDT