Tucker Carlson accidentally proved why campaigns to combat abortion stigma are necessary Article 01/24/18 3:59 PM EST
Tucker Carlson attacks MSNBC's Joy Reid: Her “entire public career has been built on race-baiting” Video & Audio 01/22/18 8:35 PM EST
Fox News happily helps Trump administration in a highly misleading effort to blame immigrants for terrorism Article 01/22/18 5:05 PM EST
Tucker Carlson has Donald Trump Jr. on to push #ReleaseTheMemo hysteria Video & Audio 01/19/18 9:11 PM EST
On Tucker Carlson Tonight, GOP Congressman peddles conspiracy theory that ISIS is responsible for Las Vegas massacre Video & Audio 01/18/18 9:22 PM EST
Tucker Carlson guest defends white supremacists and claims that Hispanics in Arizona represent the end of American society Video & Audio 01/18/18 8:53 PM EST
Tucker Carlson attacks ethnic diversity for “radically and permanently changing our country" Video & Audio 01/18/18 8:28 PM EST
After a guest calls out his racism, Tucker Carlson has a meltdown: “Up yours” Video & Audio 01/17/18 9:31 PM EST
Watch a DACA recipient on CNN explain how Trump threatening the program hurts her family Video & Audio 01/16/18 8:54 AM EST
CNN's Rick Santorum derails segment after claiming the immigration policies Trump is backing “are not racial” Video & Audio 01/14/18 11:00 AM EST
Alex Jones defends Trump’s racist “shithole” comment by saying Haitians pledged themselves to Satan Article 01/12/18 2:45 PM EST
Here are the right-wing media figures defending Trump’s racist “shithole” comment Article 01/12/18 2:15 PM EST
Former Obama adviser: Martin Luther King Jr. would have protested Trump Video & Audio 01/12/18 1:16 PM EST
Matt Schlapp defends Trump's “shithole” remarks: “I don't know anybody who spent two weeks on the beach in Haiti” Video & Audio 01/12/18 10:49 AM EST
Ben Shapiro suggests the problem with Trump's racist “shithole” remarks is that he used a curse word Video & Audio 01/12/18 10:11 AM EST
Fox & Friends' Doocy complains that “everybody's talking about” Trump's racist “shithole” remarks Video & Audio 01/12/18 7:51 AM EST
National Review's Rich Lowry defends Trump's racist comments as “common sense on immigration” Video & Audio 01/11/18 9:43 PM EST
MSNBC's Joy Reid: My parents are immigrants from what the president called “shithole countries” Video & Audio 01/11/18 9:38 PM EST