Tucker Carlson: Democrats want “demographic replacement,” with a “flood of illegals” to create “a flood of voters for them” Video & Audio 12/20/17 8:44 PM EST
How right-wing media are laying the groundwork for an assault on voting rights in 2018 Article 12/20/17 5:36 PM EST
A compliant press helped bring Alliance Defending Freedom's anti-LGBTQ hate back into the mainstream in 2017 Article 12/19/17 10:08 AM EST
As multiple Fox News figures suggest the FBI is corrupt, Chris Wallace says that no one is attacking the FBI as an institution Article 12/17/17 5:14 PM EST
Tucker Carlson agrees with guest that rape culture is “predictable” because we teach sex education in public institutions Video & Audio 12/14/17 9:39 PM EST
Net neutrality dies in silence as morning shows largely ignore FCC's vote Article 12/14/17 12:23 PM EST
How adopting right-wing spin about Doug Jones' support for abortion access led media astray Article 12/13/17 2:24 PM EST
Study: Cable and broadcast news still largely ignoring Thursday's planned net neutrality repeal Article 12/13/17 11:57 AM EST
Journalism professor: Anti-net neutrality FCC chairman Ajit Pai “wants to enable the oligopoly of cable and the telephone to control the net” Video & Audio 12/13/17 11:31 AM EST
Study: Hannity's crusade against Robert Mueller and the Russia probe, by the numbers Research/Study 12/12/17 12:43 PM EST
President Trump encourages Americans to sue ABC News after erroneous report Video & Audio 12/08/17 8:42 PM EST
CNN highlights alternative social media sites that offer a safe space for hate speech Video & Audio 12/07/17 5:22 PM EST
Fox & Friends cites Frederick Douglass and Tupac Shakur to complain about the NFL donating money to social justice causes Video & Audio 12/04/17 9:07 AM EST
Fox's Chris Wallace floats Kate Steinle verdict as an excuse for GOP to end DACA Video & Audio 12/03/17 10:36 AM EST
Tucker Carlson: “Flynn was apparently trying to promote U.S. interests” Video & Audio 12/01/17 8:30 PM EST
Fox mimics its irresponsible reporting on Steinle case in coverage of Border Patrol agent's death Article 12/01/17 5:17 PM EST
Breitbart editor: Trump did “the world a great service by sharing” anti-Muslim videos on Twitter Video & Audio 12/01/17 6:55 AM EST
Tucker Carlson defends racist Britain First Twitter account retweeted by Trump Video & Audio 11/30/17 9:23 PM EST