How Steve Bannon and Sean Hannity's ginned-up Hillary Clinton uranium story became a congressional investigation Article 10/24/17 5:52 PM EDT
White House press secretary praises Sean Hannity's “friendly” interview style Video & Audio 10/24/17 5:19 PM EDT
Fox Business ran defense for Scott Pruitt by baselessly attacking a CNN investigation Article 10/24/17 1:35 PM EDT
Breitbart editor: “How would you feel if you were killed in action and your wife or your girlfriend used that opportunity to attack the president?” Video & Audio 10/24/17 7:53 AM EDT
Watch Khizr Khan's heartfelt condemnation of the White House’s treatment of Gold Star families Video & Audio 10/23/17 10:47 PM EDT
Sean Hannity has really gone off the rails lately, but it's earned him a new fan: Alex Jones Article 10/23/17 9:38 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson: Trump's birther attacks on President Obama weren't racist Video & Audio 10/20/17 8:38 PM EDT
Trump tweet about UK crime and Muslims mirrors segment from conspiracy-mongering network OANN Article 10/20/17 11:35 AM EDT
Sinclair-owned stations give platform to serial misinformer Peter Schweizer of Breitbart Article 10/20/17 11:06 AM EDT
Fox & Friends tells Trump how to use the Department of Justice to prosecute his perceived enemies Video & Audio 10/20/17 9:43 AM EDT
Hannity conspiracy theory: Christopher Steele paid Russians “to give false stories about Donald Trump, with hookers in the Ritz” Video & Audio 10/19/17 7:13 PM EDT
The Periscope that shows how there's no difference between the “new right” and “alt-right” Article 10/19/17 6:25 PM EDT
Right-wing media falsely call crucial ACA subsidies “bailouts” to defend Trump's decision to halt them Article 10/19/17 4:05 PM EDT
Fox & Friends: All the bad reports on Trump's interactions with Gold Star families are just spin Video & Audio 10/19/17 8:55 AM EDT
Laura Ingraham: Congresswoman present for Trump call to military widow should be ignored because of her hat Video & Audio 10/18/17 10:44 AM EDT
Fox & Friends defends Trump allegedly telling military widow her husband “knew what he signed up for” as “extremely special” Video & Audio 10/18/17 8:50 AM EDT
Speaking to right-wing radio sycophants, Trump whines about negative news reports Article 10/17/17 2:55 PM EDT