Tucker Carlson defends Gab, a social media app dubbed “a haven for white nationalists” Article 09/05/17 10:43 PM EDT
Jeffrey Lord says his use of Nazi salute is okay because Media Matters is just like the Nazis Video & Audio 09/05/17 10:27 PM EDT
Breitbart's Kris Kobach suggests deporting DACA recipients and their parents to keep families together Video & Audio 09/05/17 9:52 AM EDT
CNN's Brian Stelter slams Fox News for pretending the Trump-Russia probes are over Video & Audio 09/03/17 1:51 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: DACA distracted Congress from talking about drug overdoses and unemployment Video & Audio 09/01/17 8:28 PM EDT
After SPLC releases list of confederate monuments, Tucker Carlson accuses them of threatening violence Video & Audio 08/31/17 9:38 PM EDT
For months, pundits have called Trump a populist, but his policies have been about giveaways to the rich Article 08/31/17 3:30 PM EDT
Laura Ingraham says calling out Donald Trump’s racism leads to violence by Democrats Video & Audio 08/30/17 8:52 PM EDT
Morning Joe plays defense for Trump on transgender military ban, arguing perhaps he “didn't really want to do it” Video & Audio 08/30/17 8:47 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson says NFL players “hate your country” for protesting “racism or something” Video & Audio 08/24/17 9:54 PM EDT
Fox's Jason Chaffetz: Trump should “hold his ground” on threat to shut down the government over border wall funding Video & Audio 08/24/17 8:23 AM EDT
Newt Gingrich: The left's opposition to Trump is “almost verbatim” reaction slave newspapers had to Lincoln Video & Audio 08/23/17 9:06 PM EDT
Fox's Kilmeade says NFL players are “creating chaos” by taking a knee during the national anthem Video & Audio 08/22/17 6:43 PM EDT
Fox's Tucker Carlson hosts Blackwater founder Erik Prince to discuss Trump sending more troops to Afghanistan Video & Audio 08/21/17 8:36 PM EDT
After Charlottesville attack, anti-LGBTQ hate groups attack media outlets for accurately calling them hate groups Article 08/21/17 3:58 PM EDT
Fox guest and former Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson: The Civil War and slavery were part of America's “good history” Video & Audio 08/21/17 7:13 AM EDT
Conservative civil war: Tucker Carlson says with Bannon out, Breitbart will aim their attacks at the White House Video & Audio 08/18/17 7:54 PM EDT
Watch CNN's Brooke Baldwin slam guest who compares Lincoln to Hitler Video & Audio 08/18/17 3:42 PM EDT