Rush Limbaugh: “We're in the midst of a silent coup” by the GOP establishment to try “to take this president out” Video & Audio 07/18/17 3:24 PM EDT
Contra right-wing media, US officials have verified core aspects of the Trump dossier Article 07/14/17 2:21 PM EDT
Fox analyst compares Tucker Carlson to Nazi sympathizer as the Fox host defends Putin Video & Audio 07/11/17 9:26 PM EDT
STUDY: Prime-time cable news drowned out negative impacts of Senate health care bill in favor of covering process Research/Study 07/11/17 10:45 AM EDT
Fox's Tucker Carlson says he doesn't know what the term “white nationalist” even means Video & Audio 07/10/17 9:49 PM EDT
Charles Krauthammer: The West redeemed itself on slavery because “the abolition of slavery is a western invention” Video & Audio 07/10/17 8:59 PM EDT
How anti-abortion extremists are using Tucker Carlson's show to cultivate the far right Article 07/10/17 11:52 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson says Sec. of Defense Mattis should resign if he allows transgender Americans to serve in the military Video & Audio 07/07/17 9:43 PM EDT
5 of the most batshit, xenophobic and racist reactions Trump’s “West”-centric Warsaw speech drew Article 07/07/17 5:29 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: American “elites” are a bigger threat to America than ISIS Video & Audio 07/06/17 9:27 PM EDT
How anti-choice zealots cry censorship whenever they are challenged Research/Study 07/06/17 3:46 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “The left” calls Trump vulgar, but “Obama vacationed with rappers” Video & Audio 06/29/17 8:49 PM EDT
Mike Huckabee: “This country will have Bill O'Reilly to thank” if Kate's Law passes Video & Audio 06/29/17 5:51 PM EDT
A dangerous anti-immigrant policy O'Reilly dreamed up on Fox's airtime could become the law of the land Article 06/29/17 7:34 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson hypes James O'Keefe's video the White House couldn't verify Video & Audio 06/27/17 8:46 PM EDT
Trump lawyer and Hannity regular Jay Sekulow regularly pushes false claims and conspiracies Article 06/27/17 7:21 PM EDT