The right-wing attacks on CNN's Russia story are not actually about ethics in media journalism Article 06/27/17 1:08 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: Europeans coming to America led to “freedom and happiness” and “far less human sacrifice and cannibalism” Video & Audio 06/26/17 9:15 PM EDT
Watch Tucker Carlson's embarrassing and ill-informed interview with immigrant advocate Julissa Arce Video & Audio 06/20/17 9:52 PM EDT
Fox guest says gay people at Pulse vigil “probably don't know what the Second Amendment is” Video & Audio 06/13/17 9:22 PM EDT
Fox & Friends tries to erase Jeff Sessions’ racism and lying about contacts with Russia ahead of public testimony Video & Audio 06/13/17 9:04 AM EDT
Why Fox News and the rest of Trump's loyalist media won't be able to contain the sprawling Russia story Article 06/09/17 9:23 AM EDT
Comey debunks claim of Trump and right-wing media that Russian involvement in 2016 election is “fake news” Video & Audio 06/08/17 12:04 PM EDT
Corey Lewandowski: When Trump asked Comey to pledge his loyalty, he meant “loyalty to the country” Video & Audio 06/07/17 8:46 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: The Trump/Russia investigation could be a “witch hunt” Video & Audio 06/07/17 8:44 PM EDT
Fox host: “Some could argue” London mayor has “been really rolling out the red carpet for a lot of these Muslim extremists” Video & Audio 06/06/17 9:45 PM EDT
Fox's Charles Krauthammer: Bilingual education is a “fad” and “terrible mistake because it created separateness” Video & Audio 06/05/17 9:03 PM EDT
London mayor was target of right-wing media long before Trump’s critical tweets Article 06/05/17 12:05 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson ignores court order, hypes video that stokes harassment of abortion providers Article 06/01/17 11:36 AM EDT
Brit Hume laments Portland murders are getting more press coverage than a protest at Evergreen State College Video & Audio 05/30/17 9:05 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson says it's unfair to call the Portland attacker a white supremacist Video & Audio 05/30/17 8:56 PM EDT
Sweden is the gateway to the “alt-right” anti-immigrant agenda in Europe Article 05/30/17 8:03 AM EDT