Media figures falsely claim anti-Obama hit piece produced by newspaper Pravda Article 06/02/09 8:12 PM EDT
CNN's Bash reported conservative criticism of Sotomayor's comments, but omitted their context Article 05/28/09 8:39 AM EDT
Media, others dredge up discredited smear piece in reporting on Sotomayor nomination Article 05/27/09 8:27 PM EDT
“Nice try, Wolf”: Blitzer questions Boehner on Limbaugh/Cheney/Powell controversy Video & Audio 05/20/09 5:42 PM EDT
Feehery acknowledges “I don't think there is going to be a coup” against Pelosi Video & Audio 05/19/09 2:23 PM EDT
CNN poll misrepresents scientific consensus on climate change as view of “some people” Article 05/08/09 9:26 AM EDT
CNN exec concedes Dobbs is “opinionated” -- but that's the least of his journalistic faults Article 05/07/09 7:53 AM EDT
Does Dobbs think Dr. Gupta and others at CNN are “out of their cotton pickin' minds”? Article 04/30/09 12:52 PM EDT
Media fail to challenge Republicans on past acts of massive debt creation Article 04/02/09 2:25 PM EDT