Jesse Watters says “there will be voter fraud” in every election outside of Florida Video & Audio 11/07/23 8:34 PM EST
Right-wing media launch anti-democratic attacks on Pennsylvania’s automatic voter registration Research/Study 11/03/23 3:20 PM EDT
Jesse Watters says CIA rigged the 2020 election because Trump threatened its drug trafficking ring Video & Audio 11/01/23 6:00 PM EDT
Jesse Watters: “I want to say something about Arab Americans and about the Muslim world. …we’ve had it with them.” Video & Audio 11/01/23 5:53 PM EDT
Jesse Watters launches ghoulish attack on dads who leave work early to spend time with their children on Halloween Video & Audio 10/31/23 9:44 PM EDT
Jesse Watters calls for a military invasion of Maine to track mass shooter Video & Audio 10/26/23 9:39 PM EDT
Jesse Watters says American civilians need guns to deter a British invasion Video & Audio 10/26/23 6:11 PM EDT
Fox News’ evening lineup ignores new House speaker Rep. Mike Johnson’s history of spreading the election lies that cost the network $787 million Article 10/26/23 9:22 AM EDT
Fox News' Jesse Watters raises bizarre questions about 911 call following death of Obama’s personal chef Video & Audio 10/24/23 11:07 PM EDT
Fox News hosts downplay voicemail threats left for the wife of Rep. Ken Buck over House speaker vote Video & Audio 10/20/23 6:44 PM EDT
Right-wing media make bad faith comparison between Jewish-led protest and the January 6 insurrection Research/Study 10/19/23 4:30 PM EDT
Jesse Watters launches an attack on D.C. judge who imposed gag order in Trump's election case Video & Audio 10/16/23 9:52 PM EDT
Fox News’ Jesse Watters: “I don’t like how people try to differentiate between the Palestinians and Hamas” Video & Audio 10/16/23 6:31 PM EDT
Right-wing media fearmongered about a “day of jihad” coming to the US despite a lack of evidence Research/Study 10/16/23 3:32 PM EDT
Kilmeade smears Sanders, AOC over their responses to Hamas’ terrorist attacks on Israel Article 10/12/23 11:25 AM EDT
Sean Hannity ambushes Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with Trump campaign talking points after months of fawning coverage on Fox News Narrative/Timeline 10/11/23 10:09 AM EDT