Conservative media latch on to prosecutor's bizarre questions about Christine Blasey Ford's flying habits Article 09/27/18 3:36 PM EDT
Fox Business guest on Christine Blasey Ford: “She was far from being raped ... It was all a fumbled attempt to make out with a girl at a party” Video & Audio 09/27/18 2:17 PM EDT
Fox's Chris Wallace: The prosecutor questioning Christine Blasey Ford “has so far not landed a glove” on her Video & Audio 09/27/18 12:42 PM EDT
Fox's David Bossie: Kavanaugh sexual assault reports are hurting “future victims of real assaults” Video & Audio 09/27/18 8:31 AM EDT
Prominent right-wing media embrace fever swamp conspiracy theories in last ditch effort to save Kavanaugh nomination Article 09/26/18 4:53 PM EDT
GOP House candidate Diane Harkey touts endorsement from bigoted group that promotes white nationalist propaganda Article 09/26/18 2:33 PM EDT
Right-wing media react to Julie Swetnick’s report of sexual misconduct by Brett Kavanaugh Article 09/26/18 1:46 PM EDT
Scorecard: Only 29 percent of key Senate and gubernatorial debates featured a question about climate change Research/Study 09/25/18 5:00 PM EDT
NRA president Oliver North: Brett Kavanaugh is being accused of sexual assault because “he believes in our Second Amendment” Video & Audio 09/24/18 3:57 PM EDT
National TV news is still failing to properly incorporate climate change into hurricane coverage Research/Study 09/24/18 2:36 PM EDT
CNN panel on Kavanaugh sexual misconduct report features two journalists and a pro-Kavanaugh conservative activist Article 09/24/18 11:22 AM EDT
NRATV host: Christine Ford’s report of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh didn’t describe a crime but rather was “hijinks for boys” Video & Audio 09/21/18 3:50 PM EDT
Brett Kavanaugh’s friend Mark Judge advocated for bigotry and extremism -- and even wrote about being a peeping Tom Article 09/21/18 10:19 AM EDT
Matt Schlapp on report of sexual assault by Brett Kavanaugh: He “is the victim here” Video & Audio 09/20/18 3:58 PM EDT
Right-wing fever swamps are now smearing Christine Blasey Ford over her high school yearbooks Article 09/20/18 3:52 PM EDT
Michelle Malkin: Ford's report that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her is “something that I, frankly, believe never, ever happened” Video & Audio 09/20/18 8:42 AM EDT
A pro-Trump troll started a viral hoax about Christine Blasey Ford and Neil Gorsuch, and Rush Limbaugh ran with it Article 09/19/18 3:03 PM EDT
Fox's Andrew McCarthy: “We have to conclude that” Kavanaugh sexual assault report “is just a setup" Video & Audio 09/19/18 10:08 AM EDT