Daily Beast: FBI fired Trump adviser and frequent Fox News guest Sebastian Gorka for “anti-Muslim diatribes” Article 06/21/17 8:58 PM EDT
Sean Hannity: “A soft coup is underway” against Trump with “sinister forces quickly aligning” Video & Audio 06/20/17 10:27 PM EDT
Fox News mocks the “media outrage” over hidden White House press briefings as “inside baseball” Video & Audio 06/20/17 7:40 PM EDT
CNN's chief political analyst: It is “stunning” that Sean Spicer still can't answer whether or not Trump believes Russia meddled in the 2016 election Video & Audio 06/20/17 4:50 PM EDT
Fox's Laura Ingraham: Being Trump's press secretary is not “something I'm dying to do” Video & Audio 06/20/17 10:05 AM EDT
Trump's appointees are promoting anti-choice “alternative science” ripped from right-wing media Article 06/20/17 9:36 AM EDT
Lowering the bar: Fox host lauds Trump for not flying off the handle after student held prisoner in North Korea dies Video & Audio 06/20/17 7:38 AM EDT
CNN's Jim Acosta slams the White House on hiding press briefings: “It's not even like we're covering a White House anymore” Video & Audio 06/19/17 7:47 PM EDT
Visibility for immigrants in detention increasingly urgent in Trump era Article 06/19/17 12:00 PM EDT
Fox's David Bossie: “Deep state” behind “false” allegation that Trump is under investigation Video & Audio 06/19/17 9:59 AM EDT
Corey Lewandowski: Special counsel Robert Mueller's legal team includes “partisan hacks” who are “part of the deep state” Video & Audio 06/18/17 2:57 PM EDT
Roger Stone is calling for Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein to be fired for their “witch hunt” against Trump Article 06/16/17 8:15 PM EDT
Fox contributor baselessly claims special counsel Robert Mueller is leaking to the press Video & Audio 06/16/17 1:29 PM EDT
Pro-Trump media push conspiracy theory that acting FBI director is a “ringleader” in plot to take down Trump Article 06/16/17 1:26 PM EDT