Trump ordered the unprecedented release of classified material after a push from Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs Article 09/18/18 3:59 PM EDT
Pro-Trump sycophants launch another smear of Christine Blasey Ford, trying to tie her to Fusion GPS Article 09/18/18 3:48 PM EDT
Brett Kavanaugh’s character witness Mark Judge has extremely disturbing views about women (and Black and gay people) Article 09/17/18 5:36 PM EDT
Sean Hannity defends Kavanaugh from accusation of sexual assault by pointing out he goes to church and helped the homeless Video & Audio 09/17/18 4:57 PM EDT
During Kavanaugh debate, conservatives outnumber progressives on the Sunday shows Article 09/17/18 3:21 PM EDT
Video: Conservatives dismiss Christine Blasey Ford's report that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her Article 09/17/18 3:20 PM EDT
Right-wing media go all-out to denigrate Christine Blasey Ford, who says Kavanaugh assaulted her Article 09/17/18 12:14 PM EDT
Right-wing media figures are defending Trump’s lies about the Puerto Rican death toll Article 09/13/18 3:35 PM EDT
Florida GOP officials are running a private conspiracy theory Facebook group Article 09/13/18 2:32 PM EDT
Major media outlets dropped the ball last year on connecting climate change to hurricanes. Will they do better this year? Article 09/12/18 3:46 PM EDT
As Jeff Fager leaves, CBS has again gone out of its way to say this is not about sexual misconduct Article 09/12/18 3:24 PM EDT
10 communities that are particularly vulnerable to Sinclair’s right-wing propaganda ahead of the midterms Article 09/12/18 11:16 AM EDT
GOP-backed House candidate in California has campaigned on chemtrails conspiracy theory and cited Alex Jones Article 09/11/18 3:19 PM EDT
Infowars uses 9/11 anniversary to promote conspiracy theories about the attacks, sell products on Facebook Article 09/11/18 3:05 PM EDT
NRA spokesperson: Dallas shooting in which a cop killed a man in his own home “could have been very different” if the victim “was a law abiding gun owner” Video & Audio 09/11/18 11:43 AM EDT
Video: Fox News' Tucker Carlson echoes white nationalists, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis Article 09/10/18 3:52 PM EDT