Face the Nation and This Week fall short in Kavanaugh hearing coverage after the nominee gave false testimony under oath Article 09/10/18 3:00 PM EDT
Alex Jones warns of a “brown KKK,” says that he ran into Hispanic protesters who were "dressed like MS13, all thugged out” Video & Audio 09/06/18 3:54 PM EDT
At hearing with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, House Republicans asked a lot of questions about conspiracy theories Article 09/06/18 3:28 PM EDT
Fox News spun NY Times report about FBI’s attempts to flip a Russian oligarch involved in organized crime into proof of an anti-Trump “witch hunt” Article 09/06/18 3:25 PM EDT
“It seemed pretty dangerous”: Right-wing and pro-Trump media lash out at Kavanaugh confirmation hearing protesters Article 09/06/18 3:04 PM EDT
The state-by-state impact of overturning Roe with Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court Research/Study 09/06/18 2:07 PM EDT
After Fox News shamed Geoffrey Owens for Trader Joe's job, Fox show calls out “the cruelty of social media” for shaming Geoffrey Owens for Trader Joe's job Video & Audio 09/05/18 11:00 PM EDT
The Daily Caller has published white supremacists, anti-Semites, and bigots. Here are the ones we know about. Article 09/05/18 3:06 PM EDT
Watch Fox & Friends freak out about “far-left radicalism overtaking the Democratic Party” Video & Audio 09/05/18 9:05 AM EDT
CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin calls out anti-Roe v. Wade crusaders for pretending Kavanaugh wouldn’t overturn it Video & Audio 09/04/18 9:44 AM EDT
The writer with ties to white nationalists who resigned from DHS donated to the RNC, Donald Trump, Kris Kobach, and Dave Brat Article 08/31/18 3:34 PM EDT
On Fox, John Yoo says Trump could fire Sessions and Rosenstein for not investigating things he orders them to Video & Audio 08/31/18 3:31 PM EDT
In 2018, Sunday shows have covered Hurricane Maria’s impact on Puerto Rico for only 20 seconds Research/Study 08/31/18 3:12 PM EDT
After Rep. Ron DeSantis said Andrew Gillum would “monkey” up Florida, conservative media trotted out their playbook to spin away racist comments Article 08/29/18 4:41 PM EDT
Fox anchor says the network does not condone Ron DeSantis' racist remarks about Andrew Gillum, does not say what the comments were Video & Audio 08/29/18 12:15 PM EDT