Former Bush DOJ official: “It's absolutely despicable” that Trump media allies are attacking Robert Mueller Video & Audio 06/12/17 8:53 PM EDT
CNN's Jake Tapper calls out conservative media for attacking Robert Mueller after once praising him Video & Audio 06/12/17 6:03 PM EDT
Alex Jones calls on Trump to move “physically” and make a “military move” against his enemies Video & Audio 06/12/17 4:21 PM EDT
How a scheme to discredit climate science spread from conservative media to the EPA chief Article 06/12/17 1:09 PM EDT
Megyn Kelly turned to Alex Jones because her struggling show needs a viral moment Article 06/12/17 11:57 AM EDT
Fox & Friends: “It's a disgrace” media cover Trump scandals instead of crediting him for the economy Video & Audio 06/12/17 10:55 AM EDT
Fox & Friends complains that a “murderer's row of criminal attorneys” is “going after” Trump “and his character” Video & Audio 06/12/17 8:28 AM EDT
On CNN, journalist Jeff Greenfield explains how Trump trained his supporters to distrust real reporting Video & Audio 06/11/17 1:11 PM EDT
On Fox News, Donald Trump Jr. appears to confirm Comey's testimony on Flynn investigation Video & Audio 06/11/17 10:41 AM EDT
CNN's Jim Acosta: Trump's retaliation tactics will “not deter us” from reporting on him Video & Audio 06/09/17 7:58 PM EDT
Top legal scholar: Trump Twitter attack on Comey could be “witness intimidation” Article 06/09/17 4:14 PM EDT
Trump’s “infrastructure week” scheme was another media fake out, not a serious policy proposal Article 06/09/17 2:57 PM EDT
A “bogus distraction”: Former Watergate prosecutor calls out Trump's legal team for threatening to file a complaint against Comey Video & Audio 06/09/17 1:51 PM EDT
Why Fox News and the rest of Trump's loyalist media won't be able to contain the sprawling Russia story Article 06/09/17 9:23 AM EDT
CNN's Gregory slams Trump's apologists: “There is no excuse for this kind of behavior, even if it is not illegal” Video & Audio 06/09/17 8:56 AM EDT