CNN's Jeffrey Toobin on Comey’s opening statement about Trump: “If that isn't obstruction of justice, I don't know what is” Video & Audio 06/07/17 2:57 PM EDT
Mike Huckabee questions if James Clapper is “sniffing glue” for comparing Russia investigation to Watergate Video & Audio 06/07/17 11:19 AM EDT
Fox anchor: Media have “never been this tough or critical” as they are to Trump Video & Audio 06/07/17 11:14 AM EDT
Steve Doocy starts clapping when Trump economic adviser says they will move on tax reform this year Video & Audio 06/07/17 9:32 AM EDT
Fox's Brian Kilmeade: Trump has been “remarkably disciplined when it comes to tweets over the last couple of weeks” Video & Audio 06/07/17 8:39 AM EDT
Right-wing media continue to push myth that Trump can get a better deal than Paris Article 06/06/17 1:57 PM EDT
CNN anchor shoots down Jeffrey Lord's Nazi analogy attacking London Mayor Sadiq Khan Video & Audio 06/05/17 1:11 PM EDT
Trump advisers try to downplay Trump tweets pushing the Muslim ban because “it's social media” Video & Audio 06/05/17 11:45 AM EDT
Republican strategists say they will run against the media in 2018. Here’s why that could work. Article 06/05/17 11:21 AM EDT
Kellyanne Conway says media should cover terrorism instead of Trump’s connections to Russia Video & Audio 06/05/17 9:44 AM EDT
CNN's Cuomo: Trump's travel ban “is a ban. It has always been a ban. And it targets Muslims.” Video & Audio 06/05/17 8:51 AM EDT
Trump supporter Alex Castellanos: “There's more evidence that James Comey colluded with the Russians than the Trump campaign” Video & Audio 06/04/17 10:39 AM EDT