Fox News politics editor admits that Republicans stir “hatred and fear” to win elections Video & Audio 07/27/18 3:51 PM EDT
Right-wing media attack Michael Cohen after he claimed Trump approved of Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer Article 07/27/18 3:41 PM EDT
Kimberly Guilfoyle is the latest Fox figure reported for sexual misconduct in the workplace Article 07/27/18 3:40 PM EDT
Right-wing media are defending ICE from calls to abolish the inhumane agency. Here are 30 examples of its abusive practices. Article 07/26/18 3:32 PM EDT
On HLN's Across America with Carol Costello, Angelo Carusone warns about the dangers of the White House censoring news outlets Video & Audio 07/26/18 1:40 PM EDT
Fox's Stuart Varney cites falsely attributed Winston Churchill quote to attack socialism Video & Audio 07/26/18 10:17 AM EDT
The extremism of anti-LGBTQ powerhouse Alliance Defending Freedom Research/Study 07/26/18 9:37 AM EDT
Sean Hannity in 2008: “If you cheat on your wife, are you going to be honest with your country?” Article 07/25/18 6:37 PM EDT
How should media cover Andrew Wheeler? Take a lesson from coverage of Scott Pruitt Article 07/25/18 3:31 PM EDT
NRA's new fearmongering ad series argues that proponents of stronger gun laws are pro-murderer Article 07/25/18 3:29 PM EDT
A senior Sinclair executive donated to the campaign of disgraced racist Joe Arpaio Article 07/24/18 3:55 PM EDT
CRTV's fake interview with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went viral on Facebook Article 07/24/18 2:30 PM EDT
Under Facebook’s new algorithm, conservative meme pages are outperforming all political news pages Article 07/24/18 1:00 PM EDT
MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle explains that huge companies that pay low wages force their employees to use public assistance Video & Audio 07/24/18 11:30 AM EDT
How a fake news lie blaming China instead of Russia for election hacking went viral Article 07/23/18 3:55 PM EDT
On Fox, Iraq War booster Ari Fleischer says the US should destabilize Iran to initiate regime change Video & Audio 07/23/18 12:35 PM EDT
Morning Joe promotes the new CRTV show of Eric Bolling, who was fired from Fox News for alleged sexual misconduct Article 07/23/18 12:32 PM EDT
The FCC has called out several of Sinclair's sham deal proposals -- but there are many more Article 07/20/18 12:27 PM EDT