Carlson calls CA bill to include LGBT history in class “propaganda” and “blackmail” Video & Audio 12/17/10 8:25 AM EST
Media Matters: The right-wing backlash against advancing minority rights Article 12/10/10 5:03 PM EST
Daily Caller columnist takes a (dishonest) stand against domestic violence laws Article 12/08/10 12:39 PM EST
Kilmeade, Carlson, mock idea that gay Arabic translators have been fired under DADT Video & Audio 12/08/10 8:55 AM EST
Tucker Carlson: Park51 planners are “forc[ing] the families of vicitims of 9/11 to have to relive this all” Video & Audio 11/24/10 12:14 AM EST
Tucker Carlson's Olbermann E-mail Fabrication: 'Silly And Probably Stupid' Article 11/10/10 4:46 PM EST