One America News’ racist falsehoods undermine DirecTV’s appeals for racial justice Article 04/02/21 8:45 AM EDT
Fox News lies about Biden’s proposal to clean up oil wells that have already been abandoned Article 04/02/21 8:29 AM EDT
Fox News tries to tell you that infrastructure isn’t really infrastructure Article 04/01/21 1:06 PM EDT
Media Matters' 2021 guide to debunking right-wing misinformation about migrants and the border Research/Study 03/30/21 1:42 PM EDT
Fox News laments that Peter Doocy didn't get to ask President Biden about a Fox News conspiracy theory Article 03/25/21 6:48 PM EDT
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis relies on Fox News — and mainstream media’s mistakes — to promote his willful inaction on the pandemic Article 03/19/21 9:25 AM EDT
Maria Bartiromo: Tax cuts for the wealthy stimulate the economy because “money will go where it is treated best” Video & Audio 03/15/21 8:12 PM EDT
Fox anchor argues that stimulus checks are irresponsible, citing worries of increasing US debt Video & Audio 03/11/21 5:49 PM EST
A year into the pandemic, Sinclair host Sharyl Attkisson is still pushing dangerous COVID-19 misinformation Article 03/10/21 12:15 PM EST
Some mainstream media overemphasize bipartisanship, push outdated fears about debt and inflation in covering relief bill Article 03/09/21 1:11 PM EST
What’s behind right-wing media’s curious lack of interest in $1.9 trillion Article 03/09/21 10:13 AM EST
Republicans voted for two pandemic relief bills that gave aid to prisoners. Fox News is suddenly outraged about it in the newest relief package. Article 03/08/21 11:49 AM EST
COVID misinformation, racism, and propaganda: Fox News’ newest show is already a disaster Research/Study 03/08/21 10:43 AM EST
“Neanderthal thinking?” The social science underlying Fox News’ desire to make its audience feel victimized. Article 03/07/21 8:43 AM EST
The economy is still down by 9.5 million jobs. Fox News says the latest jobs report means we don’t need more pandemic relief. Article 03/05/21 11:45 AM EST
Steve Bannon's latest crackpot theory: Globalists want to eradicate religion via biotechnology Article 03/05/21 9:39 AM EST
Sinclair's misleading attack on student debt cancellation misrepresents a conservative activist as just a concerned college grad Article 03/04/21 2:53 PM EST