Limbaugh: Obama “has a chip on his shoulder, and his wife does too, and they are some angry people” Video & Audio 03/20/09 12:56 PM EDT
On MSNBC, Tucker Carlson rewrote history to blame Frank for mortgage crisis Article 03/19/09 9:58 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson: "[W]here was Jon Stewart when the bubble was swelling? How many shows did he do on the coming financial collapse? Why didn't he warn us?" Article 03/16/09 3:55 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson presented faulty timeline as purported evidence Stewart's criticism of Cramer “was a partisan attack” Article 03/15/09 6:34 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “To call me a partisan hack is ludicrous. I am the least partisan person I know.” Video & Audio 03/15/09 3:43 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “I would like to see somebody have the stones to come out and say, Jon Stewart is kind of a pompous jerk, actually” Video & Audio 03/15/09 1:15 PM EDT
WaPo's Ana Marie Cox: “John Kerry would likely take ... Deputy Ball Licker if it was a cabinet level appointment.” Article 02/06/09 12:58 PM EST
Scarborough on door of his “American car” freezing shut: "[P]robably some Japanese engineer ... sabotaged us. Kinda like blowing up things at Pearl Harbor" Article 12/22/08 4:01 PM EST
Fox News' Carlson falsely asserted “roughly 40 percent” of Obama's tax plan “is a handout to people who do not pay taxes” Article 10/29/08 9:29 AM EDT