Wash. Post suggested Clinton camp's “outrage” over Shuster comments is inconsistent with Chelsea's continued role Article 02/10/08 2:47 PM EST
MSNBC's Shuster falsely claimed he said “Americans should be proud of” Chelsea Clinton before his “pimped out” comment Article 02/08/08 2:20 PM EST
Carlson falsely claimed Giustra allowed Clinton personally to “get rich” Article 02/01/08 12:41 PM EST
Carlson -- who has said Obama “seems like kind of a wuss” and “sounds like a pothead” -- now claims he “give[s] the guy a pass at every turn” Article 01/29/08 6:47 PM EST
Limbaugh: Clinton, “the most cheated-on woman in the world,” now “surrounded” by her “white female new castrati male base” Article 01/24/08 9:31 PM EST
Matthews decried CNN debate's focus on “black/white issues,” ignored MSNBC debate's focus on race Article 01/23/08 8:56 PM EST
MSNBC's Carlson mocked Clinton for her comments about gender discrimination Article 01/23/08 5:08 PM EST
Matthews suggested his Clinton comment was an aberration, but he's been making similar remarks for years Article 01/18/08 9:12 PM EST