Varney suggests Obama is “trying to ruin BP financially” as a “diversion” from his handling of spill Video & Audio 06/11/10 11:00 AM EDT
Hannity blames “environmentalists” for spill because they “pushed us out there” to drill in deep water Video & Audio 06/10/10 11:16 PM EDT
Hannity, panel bash Obama admin for not buying untested Maine oil booms Video & Audio 06/10/10 10:47 PM EDT
O'Reilly repeats inane claim that environmental movement “absolutely did” contribute to the oil spill disaster Video & Audio 06/10/10 8:26 PM EDT
They decide: Fox News contributor Krauthammer says criminal investigation into BP oil leak is “entirely unnecessary” Video & Audio 06/10/10 7:14 PM EDT
Napolitano: If government sues BP to require company to pay for workers' lost wages, “that's theft” Video & Audio 06/10/10 6:33 PM EDT
Time's explanation for why Obama deserves “Blame” for oil spill makes no sense Article 06/10/10 1:48 PM EDT
Fox & Friends runs with attack on gov't for not yet buying company's untested oil boom Article 06/10/10 12:18 PM EDT
Palin to Obama: “Give me a call” -- I have “experience working with oil execs” Article 06/08/10 8:26 PM EDT
Bolling's misinformation and GOP activism pay off: Fox Business awards him a primetime show Article 06/08/10 5:18 PM EDT
Limbaugh fill-in Davis tells caller his conspiracy theory about Obama prolonging leak is “thoroughly rational analysis” Video & Audio 06/08/10 3:15 PM EDT
Fox News forwards “Pants on Fire” false attack on Boxer by former Fox colleague Fiorina Article 06/08/10 11:42 AM EDT
Laura Ingraham declares President Obama “not competent to do this job” Video & Audio 06/08/10 8:55 AM EDT
Fox Guest Brownfield suggests bombing the oil leak, calls it a “Joe the Plumber” problem because it's “underwater” Video & Audio 06/08/10 7:23 AM EDT
Napolitano says Jindal could be “a hero” by kicking out the federal government and taking over the cleanup Video & Audio 06/08/10 7:22 AM EDT
Morris says “Obama deserves to be excoriated for the failure to regulate this industry [oil drilling] adequately” Video & Audio 06/07/10 9:44 PM EDT
Karl Rove doesn't shoot straight in addressing Obama's oil spill response Article 06/07/10 4:23 PM EDT