Fox tries to cover up its failure to challenge Michael Brown's conspiracy theories Article 05/04/10 10:23 PM EDT
NYT quotes Gulf of Mexico Foundation head without noting group's ties to oil industry and rig at center of Gulf Coast disaster Article 05/04/10 8:00 PM EDT
Beck says “Crime Inc.” conspiracy theory is the “biggest thing we've ever, ever done” Video & Audio 05/04/10 6:24 PM EDT
“Drill more”: Fox News figures respond to environmental catastrophe by calling for more drilling Article 05/04/10 4:32 PM EDT
Hume: “I don't think there's much evidence the administration's actions [on oil spill] were unreasonable or slow off the mark” Video & Audio 05/04/10 3:26 PM EDT
Rush: Media “ma[de] up things I said” about the ocean cleaning oil spill naturally, Obama didn't do anything for 12 days Video & Audio 05/04/10 12:35 PM EDT
Beck: “You can't just change the law” to raise BP's liability cap, “Is that what we fought the Nazis for?” Video & Audio 05/04/10 11:10 AM EDT
Upping the ante: Limbaugh and Hannity's falsehood about oil spill response keeps growing Article 05/03/10 11:18 PM EDT
MSNBC's Matthews notes right-wing media's penchant for oil-spill conspiracy theories Video & Audio 05/03/10 6:54 PM EDT
Limbaugh extends Beck conspiracy: Lehman Brothers was a “competitor that was gotten out of the way” for Goldman Sachs Video & Audio 05/03/10 4:54 PM EDT
Michael Brown on Fox News: Obama wanted oil spill so he could “shut down” offshore drilling Video & Audio 05/03/10 4:28 PM EDT
Fox's Asman says we need to “drill more,” tells environmental “hypocrites” to “shut up” Video & Audio 05/03/10 1:22 PM EDT
“Sabotage!” Right-wing media respond to oil spill by dreaming up conspiracy theories Article 05/03/10 1:02 PM EDT