Fox News' Shep Smith couldn't get any Republicans to come on Fox to defend Trump's racist comments Video & Audio 08/16/17 3:46 PM EDT
CNN law enforcement analyst claims “the left” shares blame for Heather Heyer’s death Article 08/16/17 3:23 PM EDT
Trump’s remarks defending neo-Nazis were full of right-wing media talking points Article 08/16/17 11:10 AM EDT
Kentucky broadcast media favor anti-choice voices in covering Operation Save America protests Research/Study 08/16/17 9:34 AM EDT
On Joe Madison -- The Black Eagle, Angelo Carusone: Trump's Charlottesville remarks show he's a “vessel for right-wing media” Video & Audio 08/16/17 8:32 AM EDT
Newt Gingrich: Like ISIS and the Taliban, the left wants to destroy our memory of what it means to be American Video & Audio 08/15/17 11:13 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson attempts to defend America's history of slavery by pointing out the Aztecs, Africans, and Mohammed had slaves too Video & Audio 08/15/17 9:13 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson compares removing statues of Confederates to extremism of the Taliban, Khmer Rouge, and China Video & Audio 08/15/17 8:56 PM EDT
Echoing Fox News, Trump defends Charlottesville white supremacists, says they were not all Nazis Video & Audio 08/15/17 8:20 PM EDT
CNN's Jake Tapper blasts Trump for again equating neo-Nazi violence with anti-racist demonstrators Video & Audio 08/15/17 7:29 PM EDT
White nationalists cheer Trump for assigning blame to “both sides” for Charlottesville violence Article 08/15/17 5:44 PM EDT
On MSNBC, member of Trump's diversity coalition says “the left-wing media and white supremacists have a synergistic relationship. They feed off of each other.” Video & Audio 08/15/17 3:47 PM EDT
Limbaugh conspiracy: Democrats allowed Charlottesville terrorism for political gain Video & Audio 08/15/17 3:06 PM EDT
“Pizzagate,” Seth Rich conspiracy theorist troll giddy after Trump retweets him Article 08/15/17 2:14 PM EDT
With Charlottesville attack, NRATV confronted with terrorism it doesn’t want to hype Article 08/15/17 12:56 PM EDT