Cavuto defends offshore drilling: “People who don't much like us” are “clapping their hands” when drilling halts Video & Audio 04/30/10 4:37 PM EDT
Kristol: Off-shore drilling is “quite safe” and “very environmentally clean, except ... when there's a disaster like this” Video & Audio 04/29/10 7:18 PM EDT
Rush Theorizes That “Environmentalist Whackos” May Have Blown up Oil Rig to Stop Drilling Article 04/29/10 4:51 PM EDT
FLASHBACK: Media advanced falsehood that drilling is safe because no oil spilled during Hurricane Katrina Article 04/29/10 3:18 PM EDT
Rush's conspiracy theory: “Environmentalist whackos” may have blown up oil rig to “head off more oil drilling” Video & Audio 04/29/10 2:55 PM EDT
Rush: “Jury's still out” on whether it's a “coincidence” that an oil rig exploded just before Earth Day Video & Audio 04/29/10 2:39 PM EDT
Wait, wasn't offshore oil drilling so safe even Hurricane Katrina couldn't cause a spill? Article 04/29/10 1:05 PM EDT
Beck unveils next conspiracy theory: Chicago climate exchange money funneled by unions to turn US into “Crime, Inc” Video & Audio 04/29/10 11:26 AM EDT
Babbin claims CIA climate program diverts “valuable assets,” CIA disagrees Article 04/27/10 9:10 AM EDT
James Cameron: Beck and others are “very dangerous to this country ... someday they're going to have to answer to my children” Video & Audio 04/26/10 7:35 PM EDT
Beck attacks environmental group Joyce Foundation, suggests they are “money laundering” for “uber-rich and powerful liberals” Video & Audio 04/26/10 6:06 PM EDT
Right-wing media distort Blagojevich motion, falsely claim it contradicts Obama's statements Article 04/26/10 2:42 PM EDT