Jim Quinn calls Al Gore “the Bernie Madoff of carbon,” adds: “Some day, this may see you in a prison cell” Video & Audio 03/02/10 5:28 PM EST
Ben Stein asks if Toyota car recalls are just a “phony problem like global warming?” Video & Audio 02/28/10 3:45 PM EST
Drudge Report links to Al Gore's NY Times op-ed, proclaims: “Al Gore Found!” Article 02/28/10 3:29 PM EST
Fox's Keith Ablow: Withdrawal of study linking vaccines to autism is “the global warming, if you will, of autism” Video & Audio 02/27/10 11:13 AM EST
Fox graphic: “Blizzards putting the green agenda on ice: Good for the economy?” Article 02/27/10 10:36 AM EST
Hemmer laughably claims that Fox “opinion” shows don't bleed into his program Article 02/24/10 3:23 PM EST
Climate Depot's Morano makes light of effects of climate change on poor nations Video & Audio 02/24/10 1:41 PM EST
At CPAC, Climate Depot's Morano says Nobel Laureate and energy secretary Steven Chu promotes tarot card-level science Video & Audio 02/24/10 1:22 PM EST
Climate Depot's Marc Morano at CPAC: Climate change is “a political movement. It is not a scientific movement” Video & Audio 02/24/10 12:20 PM EST