At CPAC, Climate Depot's Morano says climate change is “subprime science, subprime economics, subprime politics” Video & Audio 02/24/10 11:46 AM EST
Cavuto refers to his guest, Climate Progress editor Joe Romm, as a “warmist” Video & Audio 02/23/10 4:38 PM EST
Rush attacks National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as “corrupt” Video & Audio 02/23/10 1:06 PM EST
Huckabee notes “vile and hateful” attacks on Michelle Obama from “the blogs” -- what about from Fox? Article 02/22/10 9:05 PM EST
Limbaugh Declares Health Care Reform “A Civil Rights Bill” And “Reparations” Article 02/22/10 7:11 PM EST
Varney agrees that Gore should be investigated for Madoff-like global warming Ponzi scheme Video & Audio 02/22/10 12:15 PM EST
WSJ column falsely claims Phil Jones “said there was more warming in the medieval period” Article 02/22/10 10:43 AM EST
CEI's Ebell attacks “opportunists” McCain, Gingrich, and Graham for their supposed support of climate change policy Video & Audio 02/20/10 4:41 PM EST
MRC's Gainor rehashes debunked climate change smears to “put” climate change movement “in their place” Video & Audio 02/20/10 4:03 PM EST
Fox News, New York Post advance Trump's false claim that this is “coldest winter ever” Article 02/19/10 11:20 AM EST
ACU's Cleta Mitchell introduces Will's CPAC speech by praising his rejection of climate science Video & Audio 02/18/10 10:40 PM EST
Limbaugh says Catholic Church has been “infiltrated” because archdiocese suggested reducing carbon footprint for Lent Video & Audio 02/18/10 2:00 PM EST