Right-wing figures dishonestly attack Planned Parenthood over coronavirus pandemic relief Article 05/26/20 4:29 PM EDT
Media Matters did an analysis of social interactions on CBN outlets’ content Research/Study 05/15/20 4:23 PM EDT
Daily Wire hosts demean trans high school athletes at center of Alliance Defending Freedom Case Article 05/15/20 4:12 PM EDT
Daily Wire host calls Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “a political dominatrix” Video & Audio 04/14/20 4:54 PM EDT
As goal posts shift on the pandemic, right-wing pundits are consistent on one thing: Trump is doing great Article 04/14/20 9:13 AM EDT
The anti-abortion misinformation promoted during the coronavirus pandemic Research/Study 04/10/20 11:37 AM EDT
The Daily Wire and The Western Journal use Facebook page networks to spread right-wing spin about coronavirus Research/Study 03/25/20 4:08 PM EDT
Conservative media are goading Trump into prioritizing the economy over saving lives from coronavirus Article 03/24/20 11:27 AM EDT
Fox News and pro-Trump media did everything they could for weeks to downplay the threat of coronavirus Article 03/18/20 3:36 PM EDT
The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh: “Chinese is not a race. You can't be racist against Chinese people” Video & Audio 03/11/20 5:42 PM EDT
Right-wing media distort Sen. Schumer’s remarks to erase the very real threat of anti-abortion violence Article 03/06/20 11:04 AM EST
Daily Wire hosts call for extreme measures, including violence, against drag queens Article 03/03/20 2:06 PM EST
Right-wing media and abortion opponents feign confusion over Democratic candidates' pro-choice views Article 02/26/20 4:21 PM EST
Daily Wire's Matt Walsh melts down about pedophilia because Pete Buttigieg helped a kid come out Article 02/25/20 4:15 PM EST
Right-wing media and abortion opponents should confront the anti-blackness of their movement Article 02/19/20 4:34 PM EST
Right-wing websites created the climate that led to latest slate of anti-trans bills Article 01/29/20 4:31 PM EST
As trans Americans face record violence, right-wing media have been flooded with stories attacking trans athletes Article 10/30/19 10:07 AM EDT