DOE appointee: “Second U.S. Civil War may be necessary,” “Imagine a world without Islam,” “Transgenderism is a mental illness” Article 06/23/17 2:25 PM EDT
Alex Jones says his “greatest achievement” was briefing Trump about the “globalists” before he got elected Video & Audio 06/22/17 3:35 PM EDT
Media follow GOP's lead and host mainly white men to discuss Republican health care bill Article 06/21/17 10:24 AM EDT
Newspapers buried reports on health care, while TV news missed the Senate’s back room dealmaking Article 06/20/17 4:18 PM EDT
Trump's appointees are promoting anti-choice “alternative science” ripped from right-wing media Article 06/20/17 9:36 AM EDT
Right-wing media figures declare “the first shots of the second American civil war have already been fired” Article 06/19/17 9:31 PM EDT
CNN guest explains how Alex Jones is the one who “wins” from his interview with Megyn Kelly Video & Audio 06/18/17 1:15 PM EDT
Roger Stone is calling for Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein to be fired for their “witch hunt” against Trump Article 06/16/17 8:15 PM EDT
Days before Megyn Kelly interview airs, Alex Jones pushes more Sandy Hook conspiracy theories Article 06/16/17 12:11 PM EDT
Sean Hannity exploits congressional shooting to shill for US Concealed Carry Association Video & Audio 06/15/17 10:07 PM EDT