Ignoring Supreme Court, Bolling said Obama administration “empowered the EPA” to issue endangerment finding Article 02/11/10 8:16 AM EST
False framing: Why is the NY Times spreading “half-truths” about global warming? Article 02/10/10 5:11 PM EST
Fox News shows copy of Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth in the snow to attack climate change consensus Article 02/10/10 4:46 PM EST
Bolling: Snow “breaking Al Gore's heart because” it's “burying his global warming theory” Video & Audio 02/10/10 4:24 PM EST
Limbaugh calls winter snowstorms climate change “nail in the coffin,” asks “Where is Al Gore?” Video & Audio 02/10/10 12:34 PM EST
Beck: “If the IPCC had been done by Japanese scientists there is not enough knives on planet Earth for harakiri” Video & Audio 02/10/10 12:21 PM EST
Beck on D.C.'s snow: “I believe God is just saying, 'I got your global warming here, eh?' ” Video & Audio 02/10/10 11:00 AM EST
Heavy accumulation of climate change misinformation from Fox's Varney Video & Audio 02/09/10 5:31 PM EST
Brain Freeze: Conservative media still using winter weather to attack global warming Article 02/09/10 5:07 PM EST