Four facts reporters should include in stories about Texas’ pending attack on the transgender community Article 05/24/17 4:52 PM EDT
Alex Jones on Manchester attack: “The pop singer ... invited all of this” Video & Audio 05/24/17 3:37 PM EDT
Journalists and experts slam Trump's budget plan to eliminate HUD program that mostly benefits “low-income groups” Article 05/24/17 3:27 PM EDT
Fox's Jesse Watters compares Muslim immigrants to low-quality wine “from a risky region” Video & Audio 05/23/17 10:21 PM EDT
Fox uses Manchester terror attack by UK native to justify Trump's Muslim ban Article 05/23/17 4:36 PM EDT
NRATV: “England has had [Manchester attack] coming for a long time” in part because it has “done away” with gun rights Article 05/23/17 4:35 PM EDT
CNN furthers White House's lie that Trump's budget is “not touching Social Security” Video & Audio 05/23/17 3:58 PM EDT
Media fell for Trump's spin that cutting Social Security isn't really a cut to Social Security Article 05/23/17 3:45 PM EDT
Fox News retracts online Seth Rich report while Hannity keeps pushing the conspiracy Article 05/23/17 3:16 PM EDT
Pro-Trump and fringe media are smearing Ariana Grande after a terror attack killed her fans Article 05/23/17 2:28 PM EDT
This is how right-wing media reacted to ISIS terrorism under President Obama Article 05/23/17 1:19 PM EDT
CNN guest immediately links Manchester explosion to “the two plus million refugees that have come into Europe” Video & Audio 05/22/17 8:33 PM EDT
Alex Jones’ website Infowars broadcasts from the White House press briefing room Article 05/22/17 3:49 PM EDT
Fox & Friends: Trump's overseas trip is “as presidential ... as we have seen him so far” Video & Audio 05/22/17 8:15 AM EDT
Seth Rich's family sends cease and desist to Fox News contributor behind evidence-free smears Article 05/19/17 7:39 PM EDT