Limbaugh: If there's global warming why do we need to weatherize our homes? It's “silly.” Video & Audio 12/15/09 1:02 PM EST
Beck, Breitbart ignore long-term trend to claim Arctic sea ice is increasing Article 12/15/09 9:38 AM EST
Beck calls climate change deniers Galileo under persecution from global warming cultists Video & Audio 12/14/09 5:43 PM EST
Limbaugh misleadingly claims CRU scientists “destroyed the original data,” suggests they should be “brought up on charges” Video & Audio 12/14/09 2:53 PM EST
AP review: stolen emails don't support claims that global warming science was faked Article 12/14/09 11:46 AM EST
After saying “Jesus would be a truthseeker,” Huckabee cites “revelation” that “a lot of the scientists were cooking data” Video & Audio 12/14/09 8:47 AM EST
On Fox, Lomborg says “a breakdown of the negotiations here in Copenhagen wouldn't be such a bad thing” Video & Audio 12/13/09 12:53 PM EST
Rep. Markey tells Wallace climate change “deniers want to create a 'Siberian tree ring circus' ” Video & Audio 12/13/09 11:51 AM EST
On Reliable Sources, Aravosis slams Palin's Wash. Post op-ed: "[S]he was putting out junk science" Video & Audio 12/13/09 11:36 AM EST
Media Matters: With “Climategate” and Jennings smears, the right goes guerilla Article 12/11/09 7:45 PM EST