Breitbart falsely suggests ACORN employees “help[ed] set up a prostitution ring in every single office” Article 06/01/10 11:47 AM EDT
WND's Klein rushes to connect Obama to Gaza flotilla by shouting “Bill Ayers” Article 05/31/10 5:25 PM EDT
WorldNetDaily vs. WorldNetDaily: Klein's book contradicts his employer on Obama's birth Article 05/27/10 11:54 PM EDT
Wash Times falsely claims “Kagan's foreign law trumps” constitutional law Article 05/26/10 10:39 AM EDT
Fox baselessly declares it “a gigantic lie” that AZ law could lead to racial profiling Article 05/21/10 12:00 PM EDT
Limbaugh declares: “The Mexican president is Señor Wences ... the ventriloquist dummy from the Ed Sullivan show” Video & Audio 05/20/10 2:36 PM EDT
Fox launches spurious attack that Obama smeared police by criticizing AZ law Article 05/20/10 1:32 PM EDT
Beck's claim that “our tax dollars” are funding ACORN in India is more hat than cattle Article 05/19/10 5:37 PM EDT
Limbaugh distorts Sunstein's and Kagan's views on control of the Internet Article 05/18/10 5:48 PM EDT