Beck claims Obama's jobs summit is really about “transforming our society” to create “a global order” Video & Audio 11/13/09 11:23 AM EST
Beck, conservative media fearmonger that cap-and-trade would grant president Chavez-like powers Article 11/12/09 3:59 PM EST
Chuck Norris on Fox: Obama trying “to create one world order ... our country as we know it now will no longer exist” Video & Audio 11/11/09 4:59 PM EST
Hannity video switch-up is only the tip of Fox News' video-doctoring iceberg Article 11/11/09 12:56 PM EST
Hannity pushes black-helicopter fear that Obama will “sign away America's sovereignty” at Copenhagen Video & Audio 11/10/09 9:25 PM EST
Limbaugh “surprised” at amount of children in World Wildlife Fund ad “given their views on abortion and humans causing climate destruction” Video & Audio 11/10/09 3:45 PM EST
Limbaugh calls global warming “a hoax” and “a lie” while smearing World Wildlife Fund for “brainwashing their own kids” Video & Audio 11/10/09 3:20 PM EST
In Newsweek, Will employs falsehood to attack Newsweek article on warming Article 11/09/09 5:01 PM EST
In WSJ op-ed, Lomborg issues faulty claim about global warming's impact on rainfall Article 11/09/09 3:04 PM EST
After repeatedly publishing his misinformation, Wash. Post gives Will space to brag about global warming poll Article 11/09/09 1:49 PM EST
Hannity asks if “the environmental agenda” is “an attack on capitalism itself?” Video & Audio 11/06/09 10:45 PM EST
TPM reports Cantor's criticism of Limbaugh, tea partiers' use of Nazi rhetoric Article 11/06/09 8:45 PM EST