Yet another Fox Nation “Victory!”: “Congress delays health care rationing bill” Article 07/24/09 7:41 AM EDT
In latest column, Will outsources climate change falsehoods to NRO's Steyn Article 07/23/09 1:59 PM EDT
Hour 3: Limbaugh Continues To Fearmonger That Health Care Plan Will Deny Treatment To Elderly Article 07/22/09 3:09 PM EDT
WSJ report on NRCC cap-and-trade ads ignores ads' original factual inaccuracy Article 07/21/09 2:43 PM EDT
Barnes says “so-called global warming” “isn't happening,” hasn't happened “in the last decade” Video & Audio 07/20/09 7:52 PM EDT
Coulter: “Boxer sees a black testifying before her, and she thinks it's appropriate to cite other blacks” Video & Audio 07/17/09 7:11 PM EDT
Hannity highlights ND farmers “calling out Al Gore” due to cold summer Video & Audio 07/16/09 10:02 PM EDT
Another “Fox Nation Victory!” declared: “Anti-Tea Party Reporter Dumped by CNN” Article 07/16/09 5:26 PM EDT
Politico's Allen says $1 trillion deficit “awesome issue for Republicans,” ignoring role they played in creating it Article 07/14/09 8:18 PM EDT
Michael Barone: I'd have “been grateful for some global warming as I waited in the dark for the school bus” in Michigan Article 07/12/09 4:05 PM EDT
Hour 3: Fill-In Davis Discusses Who Got Worse Treatment From Media: Sarah Palin Or Hillary Clinton Article 07/10/09 2:56 PM EDT